Here you will find information & documentation
A resource for professionals working with young people
Focus Group Findings
Pressure + Consent Report
What is the Cool2Talk service for young people?
A Wakelet board with lots of resources for professionals
A resource for professionals which aims to help them support young people in their understanding of healthy relationships and consent.
Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy is the first Scottish Strategy which focuses on pregnancy and parenthood in young people.
The Corner Drop-in provides health services, information and support for young people aged 11 -19 in the Dundee area.
an NHS Tayside Parenting Programme for any parent/ carer to support communication between parents/carers and their children of any age.
Make it good: Findings from insight gathering on young people and healthy relationships
A safe, anonymous on- line space for young people to get their questions answered & chat to a counsellor.
Need Tay Know is an app for young people aged 13 – 25 which provides information about local sexual health services and a host of topics relating to sex and relationships.
Anyone, aged 13-25, can access free condoms from loads of places, all across Tayside