
Menopause Myths

The menopause is when menstrual periods stop.  Periods usually start to become less frequent over a few months or years before they stop altogether. Sometimes they can stop suddenly. The menopause is a natural part of ageing that usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as oestrogen levels decline. In the UK, the average age for to reach the menopause is 51.

While many believe that they can’t get pregnant after their final period, we recommend if you are taking contraception, continue as normal for the first year.

The menopause can be a really tough time, when lots of changes are happening to your body. It’s OK to ask for help and you can get support and help if you are struggling with menopausal symptoms. Talk to your GP who, if necessary, can seek further advice from the menopause specialist if required. You can also find support via the services below.

The NHS Inform ‘Later years’ health hub has a massive amount of information and resources which are not just focused around the menopause but also the more complex health needs which you may experience in later life. You can find it HERE

We have been running a series of 6 free sessions within the community which were aimed at anyone currently in any stage of the menopause. The sessions have now come to an end but we are in the process of planning how to role these out further next year. If you’d like to express your interest in attending or delivering these, please email

Resources for Professionals

Dr Heike Gleser has put together a Padlet which contains resources for primary care professionals around the menopause, PMS and contraception

You can access it here

Services & Support for Patients

You can access our Padlet which is packed full of information and resources HERE – this covers lots of different areas of the menopause and is regularly updated with videos, podcasts, articles and guidance 

If you are running an event or would like some resources printed for your workplace, please email us on with the resource you’d like printed and how many copies and we will see what we can do!

British Menopause Society (BMS):  

BMS TV provides short videos about topics by menopause experts 

Women’s Health Concern: 

This is the patient arm of the British Menopause Society (BMS) which has excellent evidence and fact sheets  along with resources

Rock My Menopause :  

Funded by the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum – lots of infomation, podcasts and webinars 

NHS Inform: 

Recently updated Scottish NHS website – includes videos with basic menopause information  

 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG):  

“Menopause Hub” with lots of information for patients 

  Menopause Matters: 

Website run by a Scottish menopause specialist – includes discussion forum

National Osteoporosis Society  

Includes downloadable factsheets about calcium-rich diet and healthy living

The Daisy Network  

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency support organization for patients under 40