Are you a young person?

There is a lot of information on this site that is relevant if you are under 25 but we have created this section with services specifically for you.


Below, you can find useful services for young people across Tayside

All sexual health services are free, confidential and available to young people including under 16s. In addition The Corner provide drop-ins

The Corner advise young people aged 11-19 and help them access health and wellbeing services.  The team provide a unique and integrated range of services via the Dundee City Centre Drop-In, work in local communities, schools and media work.

The City Centre Drop-In at 13 Shore Terrace, Dundee, DD1 3DP is open from 1-6pm, Mondays – Fridays, or you can book an appointment.  Visit the website here for more information here. 

cool2talk is a place where young people aged 12-25 can get information, links to services and a response to any question regarding their sexual and reproductive health and related issues 
You can visit the website and ask a question here:

Hillcrest Futures Young People’s services: support & information for young people 12-25 on sexual health, drugs & alcohol & relationships and parenthood. You can visit their website here.