What is a managed care network?

Managed Care Networks or Managed Clinical Networks (MCNs) bring together individuals, communities and professionals in a particular disease area or topic to work together to improve services from the community to health and social care settings.  They have a responsibility for service redesign, integration, quality improvement and performance management.

MCNs can be local, regional or national. A variety of MCNs exist across Scotland covering a range of common diseases or conditions such as Stroke, Diabetes and Cancer to rarer conditions such as Cleft Lip and Palate or Familial Arrhythmias.

No matter the type or size if the MCN, there are eight core principles that must be adhered to, laid out by the Scottish Government:

  • Each MCN must have clarity about its management arrangements, including the appointment of a Lead Clinician or Lead Officer. Each Network must also produce an annual report, available to the public.
  • Each Network must have a defined structure that sets out the points at which the service is to be delivered, and the connections between them.
  • Each Network must have an annual plan, setting out, with the agreement of those with statutory responsibility for the delivery of services, the relevant standards, the intended quality improvements and, where possible, quantifying the outcomes and benefits to those, for whom services are provided, as well as their families and carers.
  • Each Network must use a documented evidence base and should draw on expansions of the evidence base arising through continuous quality improvement and audit as well as relevant research and development.
  • Each Network must be multi-disciplinary, multi-professional and multi-agency.
  • Each Network must include meaningful involvement of those for whom services are provided, and by the voluntary sector, in its management arrangements.
  • Networks’ educational and training potential should be used to the full, in particular through exchanges between those working in the community and primary care and those working in hospitals or specialist centres.
    View our training calendar
  • Each Network must demonstrate continuing scrutiny of opportunities to achieve better value for money through the delivery of optimal, evidence-based care that adds value from the patient’s perspective, optimises productivity and reduces unwarranted variation.

What does the MCN do?

The Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus MCN (SHBBV MCN) is a local MCN dedicated to sexual and reproductive health and HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in Tayside (Angus, Dundee and Perth & Kinross).

The remit of the MCN is to ensure the outcomes of the Scottish Government’s Sexual Health and BBV Action Plan are delivered in Tayside.  We have adopted a whole system approach to prevention, care, treatment and social care that starts with the individual.

The work of the MCN is underpinned by shared goals as well as a set of common principles and values. The MCN strives to:

  • achieve mutuality in how we work with individuals, families and communities
  • put person centred care at the heart of all we do
  • tackle health inequality and promote equity by targeting resources where they are most needed; focusing on early interventions and adopting strength based approaches
  • promote collaboration across systems and agencies
  • work in an inclusive, respectful and enabling partnership that fosters participation, ownership and the highest standards of care
  • be fair for all by promoting equality and eliminating discrimination and stigma
  • achieve best value
  • be transparent and accountable to our population

MCN Structure

The MCN has a governing group called the Network Board and a number of working groups that support us to take forward specific areas of work.

If you or your organisation would like more information on the work of the MCN or you would like to be involved, we would love to hear from you.  Email us on tay.bbvmcn@nhs.scot

Meet the Team

Sexual Health & BBV MCN
Public Health
Kings Cross

01382 424186


Below you can find out a bit more about each of us and our role within the MCN:

Donna Thain
MCN Manager
Christine Clarke
MCN Project Officer
Graeme Cockburn
Health Promotion Officer
Felicity Snowsill
Senior Health Promotion Officer
Adrienne Dale
Health Improvement Support Worker
Laura Shepherd
HIV Care Co-ordinator
Linzi McKerrecher
Health Promotion Officer
Donna Kelbie
Improvement & Development Manager