Where can I get the morning after pill? I had sex with my boyfriend last night and we didn't use a condom. Can I get the pill today, because I don't want to leave it too late?

“Yes, you should be able to get it today without any problem. You can get the emergency hormonal pill free from GP surgeries, community contraceptive clinics, some sexual health clinics, NHS walk-in centres, some accident and emergency (A&E) departments, and some pharmacies.”

“There are two types of emergency contraception pill (known as the morning after pill). Levonelle works for up to 72 hours after you’ve had unprotected sex, and ellaOne works for up to 120 hours. But the sooner you use it, the more effective it will be. You can also visit your doctor and have an IUD or coil fitted to protect you against pregnancy. This can be done up to five days after unprotected sex.”

You can find further information, here.

I've got a watery discharge, which smells really unpleasant and fishy. I'm scared of going to my doctor because he knows my mum. What could it be? Could it go away on its own?t?

“I don’t think that this will be anything particularly serious, but it’s very important that you get this checked out. The most likely cause of this sort of problem is an extremely common infection called bacterial vaginosis (BV).

“It isn’t sexually transmitted, and it’s easy to diagnose and cure. Go to your local sexual health clinic, which can tell you at your first visit exactly what’s going on and give you treatment. You can refer yourself to these clinics. They’re free and completely confidential.

“Although your GP knows your mum, he or she has a duty to respect your right to confidentiality if you ever go to them for advice or treatment.”

What are the symptoms of BBVs?

People who have HBV or HCV infection may have little or no symptoms,
others may experience symptoms which include tiredness, abdominal pain
nausea, vomiting and jaundice (a condition in which the whites of the
eyes go yellow and in more severe cases the skin also turns yellow).
People who have HIV infection can experience flu like illness 2-6 weeks
after being infected. These symptoms disappear after about 2 weeks and
HIV may not cause any symptoms for many years. However the virus
continues to be active and causes progressive damage to the immune

I recently had anal sex with my boyfriend for the first time. Since then I have terrible pain in the end of my penis when urinating. We didn't use a condom. Do you think I've injured myself or caught an infection?

“It’s unlikely that you’ve injured yourself, but it’s more likely that you’ve caught an infection. I would strongly suggest going to your local sexual heath (GUM) clinic for a sexual health check-up. If you have an infection, it’s almost certainly easy to cure.

“Having unprotected sex with your boyfriend definitely puts you at risk of infections that are hard to treat, such as HIV and hepatitis B. When you go to the clinic, make sure that you get a hepatitis B vaccination. Take your boyfriend with you.”

“The health adviser at the clinic can talk to both of you about safer sex, and how to avoid HIV and other infections.”

I have small spots on the testicles and some on the penis. Should I be worried?

“I wouldn’t worry if I were you. There are lots of normal hair follicles and glands on the testicles and penis, which all men have, and don’t cause any problems. But I can’t be completely certain, because there are a number of skin problems that start as small spots and need treatment.

“I’m thinking particularly of genital warts, which start as pinkish lumps on the genitals, and grow in size and number. To be extra sure, I would suggest that you make an appointment at your local sexual health or GUM clinic, where the staff can tell you there and then if there’s anything to worry about.”

I recently had sex for the first time with my boyfriend. We used a condom, but I'm not sure if it was enough protection against HIV. One of my friends says that HIV can get through the tiny holes in the rubber. Is she right?

“As often happens with friends, she’s wrong. If used properly, condoms are extremely good protection against HIV and many other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They’re also useful at preventing unintentional pregnancies, although many women use a more reliable form of contraception as well as condoms to ensure they’re protected against both STIs and unwanted pregnancy. Latex Condoms do not have tiny holes in them.”

My penis itches a lot each time I go to the toilet to pee. It's been like this for a long time, but has got worse recently. I've heard that yogurt can treat this type of thing. I ate a big pot this morning, but it still itches.

“Do you have a rash on the head of your penis, or is it sore when you pee? If you have a rash, you might have thrush. This is a common infection, which is caused by a fungus and isn’t sexually transmitted. Clotrimazole cream from your pharmacy should sort out the problem. If this doesn’t work, go to your local sexual health clinic for a check-up.

“If you have pain when you pee, you may well have an STI in the tube of your penis. Get this checked out and treated at your local sexual health clinic, or see your GP.

“There’s no evidence that yoghurt can clear up an infection. Some women find that it helps with symptoms of thrush, but only if applied to the affected area, not if you eat it.”

Find out about thrush in women and thrush in men.

I had unprotected sex when I was in my early twenties. Could I be carrying an infection and not know it?

“It’s possible for infections such as HIV to take years before any symptoms show. About one in six people with HIV in the UK haven’t been diagnosed. Chlamydia often has no symptoms, but it can affect your fertility if left untreated. If you’re in any doubt, arrange for a check-up with your local sexual health clinic.”

I had an infection when I was younger and had it treated. Now I'm thinking about starting a family. Which infections could stop me from having a baby?

Chlamydia and gonorrhoea can both lead to infertility if left untreated, although most people who have had these infections don’t have any permanent problems.

“Chlamydia is easy to treat once it’s detected, but many people with chlamydia have no symptoms and are unaware of their infection. If you think you might be at risk, go for a check-up and test. Testing for chlamydia is now quick, painless and easy to do, with most people just having a urine test or self-taken swab.”

How can BBVs be passed through body piercing?

Treatments such as tattooing and piercing involve the use of needles to
pierce the body. There can be accidental contamination of needles and
equipment or tattoo ink if good hygiene practices are not followed.

The risk of this happening in a regulated tattoo or body piercing parlour, is low.

My girlfriend has got chlamydia and says I need to get treatment. But I've got no symptoms, so what's the point?

“Your girlfriend is right. It’s very important that you go for treatment even if you’ve got no symptoms, because most people who have chlamydia have no symptoms.

“If you don’t get treatment, you’ll pass this infection back to your girlfriend. Chlamydia can be a very serious problem, particularly for women, who can become infertile if it’s not treated.”